الجمعة، 8 مايو 2009

Open System Pumps vs. Closed System Pumps

Are you having a hard time choosing the right pump for your needs? If so you may want to read up on the differences between open and closed pumping breast pump systems. At first glance, an open system breast pump may not appear to be any different from a closed system, but upon closer inspection, you will find that there is one major difference between the two of them.

The difference between these two pump types is that the closed system has a barrier in between the pump tubing and the milk collection bottle. An open system does not have a barrier of any kind between these two components and this can cause many unwanted problems!

Open Pumping Systems

Since an open system does not a barrier in between the milk collection bottle and the pump tubing, your milk is exposed to the outside air that is drawn through the pump system. This allows any impurities that may be found in the air such as dust, smoke, pet dander, pollution and airborne bacteria and viruses to contaminate your breast milk.

There is also a possibility that milk particles will be sucked into the pump’s tubing as well as parts of the pump that cannot be cleaned, such as the pump motor, during normal use. Because of this contamination possibility the breast pump’s tubing may require cleaning and sterilizing after use.

To speed up the drying process some manufacturers suggest pouring a small amount of isopropyl alcohol in the tubing. Although this technique can help to dry out the tubes quickly, the alcohol vapors can be drawn into your milk as it is expressed. Because of this possible risk some mothers prefer to attach the tubes to the pump motor while running it for a few minutes to remove any moisture.   

If milk particles in the tubing go unnoticed then mold can begin to develop in the tubes as well as the pump motor. This puts your expressed breastmilk at risk of being contaminated since it is exposed to the mold even if the tubes are thoroughly cleaned or replaced. Repeatedly boiling your pump’s tubes for sterilization can cause them to become opaque which can make it particularly difficult to see milk or mold in the tubes.

Closed Pumping Systems

When using a closed system to express milk the barrier in between the collection kit and the pump tubing prevents outside air from being exposed to your breastmilk. By keeping outside air out of the collection bottle you are able to preserve the purity your breastmilk for your baby.

The barrier also ensures that milk particles do not enter the pump tubing or motor. This eliminates the need to wash the pump tubing as well as the possibility of mold growing in the tubing.

The first closed system breast pump kit, the Ameda HygieniKit was introduced to the market over 12 years ago. Many companies that have developed double electric breast pumps since then have included this advanced closed system feature in their pump designs. 

You can find out which pump model will best meet your pumping needs by reading Breast Pump Reviews, and by looking at the pumps side-by-side on the Breast Pump Comparisons page.    

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